Designing A Truly Unique Luxury Home

Long Term Car Storage: Tips For Protecting Your Car From Damage

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Are you considering the use of a storage unit to house your vehicle while away on vacation or during the cold winter months, but are worried about potential damage to your vehicle as a result of long term storage? If so, you should know that it is possible to greatly reduce the risk that your vehicle will be damaged by taking the time to properly prepare your vehicle before placing it into storage.…

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4 Tips For HOA Management Companies Looking To Raise Funds

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One of the most challenging components of HOA management is in raising funds. While homeowners want their common areas taken care of and their rules enforced, they rarely want to spend the money required to actually do these things. HOA management companies may occasionally need to get a little creative to fund big projects such as road repairs and street lamps.  1. Always Project in Advance Many issues arise when an HOA management company has to suddenly increase their fees.…

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5 Top Reasons To Have Your Carpets Professionally Cleaned

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Today’s trend toward DIY home improvement projects has resulted in many homeowners taking on carpet cleaning chores themselves. However, this isn’t the best decision because the average homeowner simply doesn’t have the equipment or expertise necessary to properly clean a carpet. Over-the-counter carpet cleaning products contain harsh chemical fragrances that do little more than temporarily mask carpet odors and only provide surface-level cleaning. Following are five reasons why you should have your household carpets cleaned by a professional carpet cleaning service on a regular basis.…

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